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Home Forums Introduction Liz, Jess & Cooper

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  • #5155
    Liz Tuck

    Hi – I’m Liz.  We have 2 lush dogs,  Jess who’s 11 and Cooper who is 7.  They’re both Labradors crossed with a retriever.
    We’ve had Jess since she was 8 weeks old.  Jess pulls a bit on the lead, she also food guards – only when we take her in a pub/cafe and we’re eating.  If there’s a dog at the next table she growls at that dog.

    We brought Cooper home when he was 6 months old, the breeder had him until then and the only thing he was socialised with was the countryside and other dogs.  For Cooper I’m looking for help with lead work, impulse, getting over excited when he’s off lead and sees other dogs, he can sniff out treats in other owners pockets and has jumped up on occasions, he sometimes goes in bins when we’re out.  Lastly, is it possible to train him to stop chasing our cat ?
    Sorry, if he sounds really challenging – he’s a lovely dog and very gentle and loving.

    I’ll see if I can upload a photo of them


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